Loupes and Headlights Blog

TTL vs. Flip-up

TTL vs. Flip-up

What is the difference between TTL and flip-up Loupes? Read below to learn more about the differences:  ‍ TTL = "through the lens". This means the Loupes are made with the telescopes (oculars/magnifiers) literally inside the lens. They cannot be...

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Galilean vs. Prism Loupes

Galilean vs. Prism Loupes

What sets Loupes apart from regular glasses are the telescopes. There are 2 main types of telescopes (also known as "oculars" or "magnifiers") available for Loupes - Galilean and Prism. Each has it's own pros and cons and it's important to know the...

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Overhead Lights vs. Dental Headlights

Overhead Lights vs. Dental Headlights

Using traditional overhead lights for dental work can be a lot like using a sledgehammer for carpentry - you'll get that nail in there, sure, but there's no reason to use all that tool for such a small job; it's...

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