O-Ring Removal
Step by step
- To verify the yellow O-Ring is inside your light plug socket, use your smart phone to take a very close up picture of the socket. Make sure the flash is on.
- TOOL NEEDED: K-File #35 (green). It is very helpful and makes it much easier to remove the O-Ring if you bend the tip of the K-File as shown in the photos below.
- Insert K-File into the plug. Push it UNDER the O-Ring.
- Hold the plug upside down (gravity helps).
- Twist the K-File under the O-Ring to "grab" the O-Ring.
- Pull out the K-File and the O-Ring will come with it. *** It may take several attempts.
- Throw away the O-Ring and the wire it came off of. You will need to use a new wire. If you attempt to use the old O-Ring and wire you will likely experience performance issues with your headlight. (Don't have another wire handy? They're available here in packs of 2)